Image Editor – C# Project

(1 customer review)


Image Editor – C# Windows Application Project

.Net Framework: 4.0

Content: Full Source Code Visual Studio 2010 Project

Level: Medium/Graduate Level/Academic Project

TDM: CSPR2309201114 Categories: , , , Tags: , ,


Image Editor – C# Windows Application Project

.Net Framework: 4.0

Content: Full Source Code Visual Studio 2010 Project

Level: Medium/Graduate Level/Academic Project


File Menu: 

  • New
  • Open
  • Reload Image
  • Save
  • Save As
  • Print
  • Print Preview
  • Set As Background (Tiled)
  • Set As Background (Stretched)
  • Set As Background (Centered)
  • Exit

Edit Menu:

  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Select All
  • Clear Selection
  • Delete

Image Menu:

  • Clear Image
  • Resize
  • Flip Horizontal
  • Flip Vertical
  • Rotate 90
  • Rotate 180

Layer Menu:

  • Import From File

Colors Menu:

  • Edit Color

Adjustment Menu:

  • Black & White
  • Brightness
  • Contrast

Effect Menu:

  • Oil Painting
  • Blur
  • Edge Detection
  • Sharpen
  • Merge
  • Pixalate

Tool Box:

  • Pencil
  • Rectangle
  • Color Picker
  • Eraser
  • Text
  • Straight Line


  • As it is an academic project, some features may not work as expected. 
  • Accept the project as it is. Make necessary changes according to your need.
  • There is no support on how to run or for debugging.
  • On the test machine, the project was successfully running.
  • For any query contact by email:



1 review for Image Editor – C# Project

  1. Digvijay

    Excellent. this is what I needed.

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